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Setting up the scientific N-Body simulation AstroGen2

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Kimi Sickinger, Philip Späth
Time to read
6 minutes reading time


This tutorial explains how to install and analyze the AstroGen2 simulation on a Linux server to study star formation in galaxies and galactic interactions.


Before you begin, ensure that your server meets the following requirements.

This tutorial explains how to run the simulation on a Linux server, copy the generated data to a Windows machine and analyze it there. However, it is also possible to perform the simulation and the analysis of the simulation results on a single Windows machine.

For installation and simulation:

  • Operating system: Windows or Linux (Ubuntu recommended)

  • Already installed:

    Before starting, install the following software on your system:

    • CMake (version 3.10 or higher)
    • GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install cmake gcc g++

For analyzing the simulation results:

  • Operating system: Windows

Step 1 – Installation

Connect to your Linux server and clone the repository onto your machine:

cd ~ && git clone

Navigate into the project directory:

cd ~/AstroGen2/simulation

Build the project using CMake:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Step 2 – Setting up initial galaxy data

The initial conditions for the galaxies must be stored in the ~/AstroGen2/input_data/ directory.

Navigate to the input folder ~/AstroGen2/input_data/ and clone the repository Example_ICs_AG2:

cd ~/AstroGen2/input_data/
git clone

Step 3 – Simulation configuration

Edit the configuration settings to define galaxy parameters and simulation settings:

nano ~/AstroGen2/simulation/Config.ini

Adjust the following parameters:

Parameter Description
inputPath Adjust this parameter to select the input dataset. The base directory is ~/AstroGen2/input_data/.

inputPath = Example_ICs_AG2/galIC/22k.dat
inputDataFormat If the format of the input file is changed, update this parameter accordingly:
numberOfParticles Set the number of particles for the simulation here. This value must not exceed the number of particles in the input file. With the above example input file, the maximum would be 22000.
numParticlesOutput This additionally specifies how many particles are saved after the simulation.

Step 4 – Running the compiled program

After building the project, you can run the simulation:

cd ~/AstroGen2/simulation/build/

Step 5 – Analyzing the simulation results

Now switch to your Windows device to perform the analysis there.

Step 5.1 – Setting up AGRender for analysis

  • Clone the AGRender Repository

    • WSL subsystem for Windows

      mkdir ~/AstroGen2
      cd ~/AstroGen2
      git clone
    • PowerShell

      mkdir ~/AstroGen2
      cd ~/AstroGen2
      curl -o
      tar -xf
      mv AGRender-master AGRender

  • Add the analysis results

    The AGRender program requires a separate directory called output_data to store render data. The calculated data must be located relative to type.exe in the output_data folder. For example:

    ├── output_data
    │   └── test
    └── AGRender
        └── pre_build
            └── type.exe

    If you followed all steps on a single machine, you can directly use the calculated data in the output_data folder.

    If you are working on two separate systems, you need to copy the output_data folder with the analysis results from your Linux server to your Windows machine.

    Navigate to AstroGen2 on your Windows machine and use the following command to copy the calculated data from the Linux server to your Windows machine:

    cd ~/AstroGen2
    scp -r <user>@<server_ip>:~/AstroGen2/output_data .

  • Use precompiled binaries or compile from source

    Choose one of the two options.

    • Using precompiled binaries recommended
      cd AGRender/pre_build
      # chmod +x galaxyPart.exe && chmod +x type.exe
      ./galaxyPart.exe  or  ./type.exe

    • Compiling the project with CMake

      mkdir build && cd build
      cmake ..

This should start an interactive environment where you can provide additional information.

Option Description
Data folder to load Select option 1 test
video or liveViewer Select option 2 for a live view of the simulation

Step 5.2 – Controls for AGRender

  • Mouse: Rotate the view

  • Keyboard: Move and interact with particles

    Key Action
    w Move forward
    s Move backward
    d Move right
    a Move left
    L Focus on galaxy center
    Ctrl Faster movement
    Space bar Start/Stop the simulation
    Left arrow Decrease speed
    Right arrow Increase speed
    Keys 1–9 Display specific particle types (gas, dark matter, etc.)

Example visualization


With this tutorial and the AstroGen2 program, you can now run scientific simulations of galaxies and thereby investigate star formations and the behavior of galaxies on a scientific level.

License: MIT
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