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Install QEMU on Managed Server

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Alexander Knerlein
Time to read
3 minutes reading time


In this tutorial we will learn how to install QEMU on a Managed Server. With QEMU on a Managed Server you can run a guest operating system in emulation mode.


  • Managed Server with enabled SSH access
  • Hetzner Development Package (hos-dev) -> please ask the support

Step 1 - Install QEMU and dependencies

We need to download and compile the source.

Before we start, create a directory for the sources to keep the home directory clean.

mkdir src
cd src

Step 1.1 - QEMU dependencies

First install the following dependencies using the Custom Software Installer.

software install pkg-config
software install ninja
software install glib
software install pixman

Step 1.2 - QEMU source installation

Finally download and compile the QEMU sources.

  • Always check here for newer stable versions
tar xJvf qemu-5.2.0.tar.xz
cd qemu-5.2.0
./configure --prefix=/usr/home/holu/qemu
make -j $(($(grep ^cpu\ cores /proc/cpuinfo | uniq | sed s/[^0-9]//g)+1))
make install
cd ..

Step 2 - Post Installation

Step 2.1 - Start your first guest OS

Below there is an example how to create a qcow2 image and trigger the installation of a Debian guest OS from an ISO image. Networking inside of the guest should work without any further configurations.

/usr/home/holu/qemu/bin/qemu-img create -f qcow2 debguest.img 60G
/usr/home/holu/qemu/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -hda debguest.img -cdrom debian-10.7.0-amd64-netinst.iso -m 8G

If your Qemu process gets killed, please consider to ask the support for process releases. Example: In the case of qemu-system-x86_64 the name of the process is "qemu-system-x86".

Step 2.2 - Access the guest OS using VNC

By default a VNC server on Port 5900 will also start when you start a QEMU guest. You can use this VNC server to get graphical remote access to your guest. The easiest way to access it is a SSH tunnel from a local workstation.

ssh -p222 -L 5900:localhost:5900

You can now use any VNC client to connect to port 5900/tcp on the localhost of your workstation.

QEMU guest VNC


Now you know a solution to how to run a guest OS on a Manged Server using QEMU. You can use such guests for small jobs that require a special environment for instance. Please also understand that this is only an emulator so the performance is not as good as KVM based QEMU guests. Please read the following documentation for further information.

License: MIT
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